Natalie Brandel

Natalie Brandel

Advisor | DRE #01244215
12651 Newport Avenue
Tustin, CA 92780
With 20 years of experience in real estate, Natalie has worked primarily with sellers of single-family residences throughout Orange County. Graduating from Cal State Long Beach with a Bachelor of Science degree, she spent 20 years managing residential homes and apartment complexes - an experience that cemented her customer service skills. She understands that each client has their own specific needs and unique circumstances so she strives to satisfy their needs and achieve their goals, making her clients’ happiness her top priority. It is this commitment to her clients that has contributed to her building a successful business based primarily on referrals.

Natalie is a firm believer in giving back to the community, volunteering at The Assistance League of Orange and The Exchange Club of Tustin.

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